Reefnet Fishing On Lummi Island
An iconic Lummi Island view is that of the reefnet boats in Legoe Bay. Our island community is fortunate to host the oldest known salmon net fishery in the world. Reefnet fishing is considered one of the most environmentally sustainable methods of commercial fishing—relying on no fossil fuels—each powerboat motor uses solar-charged batteries. Every summer, islanders and visitors alike enjoy watching the reefnetters launch into Legoe Bay. The fishermen use a Native American fishing method practiced in only a few parts of the world. Much of Lummi's history (and our family history too) is about salmon and seafood. Many canneries were established on-island between 1896 and 1919 to take advantage of the salmon runs that skirt Lummi. Today, there are fewer than a dozen licensed reefnetters allowed to fish the existing runs, but visitors can see the flat reef boats, referred to as gears, along Legoe Bay.